Susan Bremer O’Neill shares her feelings after giving her Tedx Talk, “Self Appeal not Sex Appeal to Embrace your Sexual Body.”
Read MoreShame lives in your head and is perpetuated with silence. Moving beyond shame, especially the shame of speaking about sexuality, benefits this author and is a choice that all adults can make to have more confidence within themselves..
Read MoreBondage and submission aren't new themes however America’s puritanical underbelly of sexual conservatism dangerously conflicts with the permissive, modern-day hookup culture giving young people the wrong, or no, message about sexuality and abuse.
Read MoreStars sending incomplete messages to women who need to know that playfully, sensually teasing can be fun and empowering when done in a safe, respectful way, but sexuality doesn't need to be on display for everyone and it doesn't demand real power or love.
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Halloween is the perfect time of year to explore the inner teenager who wants to rebel and whose actions are typically confined to their shadow bag. It's good for women to explore their banished sexuality through costume, but it's detrimental to the health of young girls when unconscious women dress their young girls in sexually explicit costumes.
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